Luxie Baby Gifting

Looking to help bring a little sunshine to a family in the NICU? Want to send a gift in a little angel's memory? We want to be part of it!

Send a Gift

We are thrilled to offer the Luxie Baby Gifting program!

A thoughtful gift for a little one in the Neonatal ICU. 

Your purchase will bring warmth and hope to a family during a challenging time.

We are thrilled to provide a lovingly crafted outfit to a baby in need. This special gift is design with utmost care, using soft, gentle fabric for delicate skin. Every stitch is a reminder of our unwavering support and hope for their speedy recovery. Join us in spreading love and joy to these little warriors as they continue their journey through the NICU.

Please send an email to us with your item # if you would like a hand written message to go along with your gifted item. 

We want to spread the love!

With each contribution, we will work on gifting to every state. We will start with the letter A and head down the alphabet. Once we gift to every state, we will then work on our ultimate goal of gifting to EVERY NICU in each state in the US!